The story picks up after the shocking and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln. Vampire Henry Sturges is looking for a purpose in his life now that his friend is gone. This book will take you from Reconstruction-era America to England for an encounter with Jack the Ripper and then into the trenches of World War I. From there, you’ll met Tesla, ride the Hindenburg and have a part in the Russian Revolution.
Henry is being hunted by an enemy that has a name – A Grander VIII – but not a face. Hard as he tries, Henry is unable to uncover the motives or real identity of his hunter. It’s difficult to give a synopsis of the story as it would be too easy to give away significant pieces of the cat and mouse game in which Henry and A Grander VIII are engaged. Suffice it to say that the twists and turns of the chase are suspenseful and a surprise.
When I read AL:VH, I thoroughly enjoyed the character of Henry Sturges and was happy to see him get his own story. SGS has a masterful way of mixing vampires into the everyday world making it seamless and almost believable. This is a great read and I highly recommend it.
Rating: 4.5 stars
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