No Man's Land is the fourth book in the John Puller series by David Baldacci. The central storyline in this book involves Puller’s search for answers to his mother’s mysterious disappearance 30 years ago.
Puller is visiting his father, Fighting John Puller, a highly regarded 3-star general, in his VA care center where he is suffering from dementia. As Puller is about to leave, he is approached by an Army officer and another agent in the CID (Army Criminal Investigative Division). These men inform Puller that they’ve been contacted by someone who knew the Pullers 30 years ago and that now, based on this new information, his father is considered a suspect in the disappearance of his wife. Puller is also informed that this notification was a courtesy only and that he is to have absolutely no involvement in the investigation. (yeah, like that is going to happen)
As Puller attempts to solve the mystery of his mother’s disappearance, he is joined by Veronica Knox of INSCOM, an investigative division in the NSA. Also assisting Puller is his brother, Robert, recently reinstated to his rank in the Air Force following his incarceration at the United States Detention Barracks after his manufactured conviction for traitorous activities.
While this book has the typical black and white hero and heroine, it also includes a bad guy who the reader sympathizes with and will actually cheer on. In addition, there is a good guy so loathsome that the reader will be continually hoping that they will get what they deserve. This made for a very interesting reading experience.
I listened to this book on audio, narrated by Kyf Brewer and Orlagh Cassidy. I enjoyed the narration in general (after getting used to a change from Ron Mclarty in the first 3 books in the series to Kyf Brewer) although I definitely did not like the why the narrator did Puller’s voice. Puller always sounded like he was speaking in a raspy stage whisper. Brewer’s voice was very good for the bad guy.
I am current in this series and if this was the last of the books, it would be a good end to the series. If more are published, I will definitely continue.
Rating: 4 Stars
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