This is the second book in the Maze Runner trilogy by James Dashner. The first book, The Maze Runner, was interesting with a unique concept and generally likable characters. This second book….not so much. Maybe it’s because of the different storylines and the way the Gladers kept getting separated, but I never got the same sense of cohesiveness. I found Thomas to be whiny and annoying. Teresa was a total bitch and seemed to be drinking the W.I.C.K.E.D. koolaid. Both Minho and Newt were treated like afterthoughts. And, I absolutely did not like the new characters that were added to the storyline, Jorge and Brenda.
Despite how much I disliked this book, I will continue with the third, Death Cure. At this point, after having gone through all these crazy, dangerous, unnecessary trials with the kids, I find myself wanting to finally get the answers I am sure will be at the end.
Rating: 1.75
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