The Emperor's Revenge is the 11th book in The Oregon Files series by Clive Cussler and Boyd Morrison. This is the second collaboration between Cussler and Morrison. The first, was Piranha, which was a definite letdown after the fun writing of co-author Jack Du Brul. However, the partnership appears to have found its footing with this story and it was, in fact, one of my favorites of the series.
The story opens with a clandestine attempt to rescue Napolean from his prison on St Helena then moves to a violent bank robbery. You’ll have to read the book to find out how these two events come together but be assured that it has the usual level of suspense, action and lots of weaponry.
The bank heist results in the theft of a large portion of The Corporation’s funds and Juan and his crew are hot on the trail of the thief. However, as they begin unraveling various clues, it becomes obvious that the bank robber is only the beginning of a must larger and far more dangerous plot. It’s a race against time to stop the implosion of the financial system – not to mention the very existence – of the European contingent.
Rating: 4.5 stars
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